New COVID Policies
We would like to appeal to all our clients to, please, respect our COVID policies and abide by them.
These policies are designed to make sure we stay open throughout the pandemic to look after your travel needs but above all, make sure our family members stay as healthy as possible during the pandemic.
Our super simple policy:
1. Appointment is essential
Please make sure to call and make an appointment before coming to visit our office. We have been working on heavily reduced hours during the pandemic. Without the confirmation of the proposed appointment, our office may not be open to any walk-in customers.
2. Wear a mask
This is not negotiable, you must wear a mask if you are having an appointment at our office. If our staff wear masks and our clients wear mask, the risk of transmission of the virus indoors, where social distancing can’t be strictly adhered to is minimised as effectively as possible.
3. Hygiene
Alcohol based sanitiser station is set up at the entry of our office where you must sanitise your hands. We thank you all for your kind cooperation in abiding the above rules, which are designed to keep all of us safe of this dreaded virus.